PTO Minutes - 2/15/22

Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Time: 6:30-7:45 PM
New Business (Marianne Anderson)
● New PTO website created by parent Amy Bacchari is up! Please visit for the latest PTO news and other important school related information.
o Please visit the website to see how to get involved in the PTO and how to sign up for the volunteer reserve list
o Ms. Mitchell will be sending home a form to be completed if families DO NOT want their student’s photo to appear on the PTO webpage
● Book Vending Machine was purchased and it will be personalized for Merrymount School. Expected delivery March/April. Stay tuned for information on the upcoming book drive to stock the new vending machine.
● Gifts were provided by the PTO to the following staff to show our appreciation:
o Mrs. Ehrlich, school nurse, for all the extra she has done during the pandemic.
o Ms. Covey, guidance counselor, for her amazing work in recognition of National School Counseling Week
o Mr. Austin and Mr. Andy, school custodians, for their hard work 7 days a week- especially after a blizzard!
● Coming soon fundraisers through Penguin Pizza and Sweet Frog
● Planning a Wellness Day and Bike Safety Day - Spring 2022
● Field Day (TBD) - June 2022
● Fun Run originally scheduled for Spring 2023 has been changed to November 2022 for budgetary reasons.
● Exploring two potential guest authors: one in March for Women's History Month and another for during our Wellness week about a service dog that survived 9-11
● Cleaner Greener: parent Mrs. Sarah VanStan has volunteered to be the parent point person for organizing Cleaner Greener at the school. The event will be held on Friday May 6th to allow families to still participate in the city wide clean up on May 7th. Please stay tuned for more sign up information.
Financials (Kerri Shaw)
● Please see the attached financial update for more details.
● Book vending machine purchased for $5500
● Checks pending for the staff appreciation gifts
● Funds to be paid for renewal of Reflex math

Principal’s Report (Courtney Mitchell)
● Please take time to fill out the parent survey about the school. Students are currently also taking this survey in school.
● In order for the school website to meet compliance, no graphics or pictures can be posted. Ms. Mitchell will post these things, as well as the weekly newsletter on the new PTO website
● Students recently celebrated Lunar New Year. Black History Month is in full effect and will continue through the first week of March to account for school vacation week.
● This week is Kindness Spirit Week, organized by Ms. Jones and Ms. Bither
● MAP score were sent home on 2/11/2022 and DIBELS scores will sent home on 2/18/2022. For any questions regarding your child’s score, please reach out directly to their classroom teacher.
● The school improvement plan was approved by the City and it is included in the newsletter if families would like to review.

● Parent Concerns
o Fifth grade graduation and events: currently in the planning process by the fifth grade teachers. Hoping to re-incorporate pre-COVID traditions, such as the mystery field trip. Parent Mrs. Theresa Altavesta will be in touch with Ms. Mitchell about the planning process.
▪ Suggestion of a car wash for the 5th graders to raise money for the end of year expenses
▪ Discussion of the possibility of a 5th grade class picture. Our current school photography company is not doing them due to the pandemic. Question if parent’s would be interested in a private photographer doing a group photo.
o Parents expressed concerns around previous traditions that current grades have missed out on due to the COVID 19 pandemic. One example was 3rd grade to Kindergarten reading buddies. It was suggested that this could be done in a modified way in the outdoor classroom or re-instated in the 4th grade. Ms. Mitchell will explore all options with the 3rd grade team.

● Citywide PTO update
○ On February 7, 2022 guest speaker Megan Selchan MA, LMHC, CEIS, Clinical Director & Partner at Puzzle Pieces, LLC in Quincy discussed with parents about adolescent and teen stressors and mental health issues. One point she made was about the importance of outdoor time for our students.
○ On May 5th 6:30-8:30pm there will be a city wide cultural food festival at the Veteran’s Stadium. All schools are encouraged to participate. More details to come.

Next Meeting
Tuesday, March 15 | 6:30 PM via Google Meet link on the PTO website